Rusty Moore - Building Codes Abdominal Muscles of The 12 Know It  

Many people think that getting a belly muscles tight and strong that it is difficult or secret cannot be reached, it is already well as those who do not know the rules.
Know your starting point
When you take off the plane from side to side, they exhausted one-third of the fuel at take-off and only one-third in the rest of the trip, as well as the command for you: a longer period of time before the results of abdominal exercises is the first period, so would prefer not to walk on a diet and strenuous exercises from the beginning, you can start going to the gym three times a week.
Cardiovascular exercises
You must understand the mechanism of burning fat first so we can work on them, the body will burn carbohydrates first, then uses muscle mass and then after that to burn fat, so it maintained a heart rate of 60% until reap tangible results.
Reduce the carbohydrates
The body or to refrain from it if you did not find the carbohydrates depends on the burning of fat for energy needed.
Prefer to give the body a chance to rest between exercises days until the muscles cannot recover and work well.
Application gives you a prominent belly muscles
What meal after exercise
The meal is very important in the body need it and await the muscles and should preferably be liquid.
Liquid meals
Follow a diet depends on the fluid as much as possible while maintaining the presence of the one solid meal throughout the day, preferably in the middle of the day before the date of exercise at least two hours.
Do educate yourself
You must know the exercises necessary and appropriate for you and the results near and far, and do not pay attention to what other people are doing in the gym and do not follow any advice without a reliable source.
Short-term objectives
Focus on the long-term goal may not reap nothing but frustration, so set yourself small goals weekly.
Proper planning
You should plan your day well and become the dates and meals clear and specific as well as the dates of the exercises.
Simple exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
Do not give up
Edison tried once before to succeed in the invention of the bulb, do remember times a failure? The end result is what successful people remember it so do not give up or give up.
You must have a strong incentive always move you towards your goal, keep in your mind the image you want to become and imagined it before you go to practice and when your trouble.
There are no shortcuts
You have to work hard until you reach what you want, there are no shortcuts.


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